3Dimensional Composite of Rosen Centre Hotel Kiosk

Maya 3D Rendering Composite With Environment

Maya renderings were composite with actual photos of the outdoor lobby of the Rosen Centre Hotel. These composites were used to gain hotel approvals for the construction, layout, colors, and placement of the kiosk.

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Rosen Cenre Hotel Outdoor Kiosk Proposal Rendered in Maya (3D)

A proposal for a new Keys and Bags outdoor kiosk, rendered in Maya and composite into the existing environment . Used to gain hotel and designer approvals, engineer the desk, and provide a basis for price quotes.


Click to see more Maya 3D renderings of the
Rosen Centre Hotel

3 Dimensional Kiosk Proposal

3D Maya Rendering of Kiosk for Rosen Centre Hotel

Layout and Construction
3D interior of Cabinet
Counter Top Color Change for Rosen Centre Hotel
Cabinet Interior
Countertop Colors
Rosen Centre Hotel 3D Proposal for Bags kiosk
3D rendering of Kiosk for Rosen Centre Hotel
Placement and Traffic Flow
Placement and Traffic Flow
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